Social Sciences, asked by kunzin7215, 1 year ago

Cbse class 12 computer science syllabus 2017-18 networks


Answered by cusut5srBro1
New CBSE Syllabus 2017-18 for Class 12 Computer Science is recently released by the board. Important information related to the course structure and practicals related to CBSE 12 Computer Science is available here.

Important highlights of CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2017-18 are given below

Class 12 (Theory) – Python | Duration 3 Hours | Total Marks: 70

Unit No.

Unit Name



Object Oriented Programming with Python



Advanced Programming with Python



Database Management System and SQL



Boolean Algebra



Communication Technologies




Unit 1: Object Oriented Programming with Python (50 theory + 40 practical) periods

Concept of Object Oriented Programming: Data Hiding, Data Encapsulation, Class and Object,

Polymorphism, inheritance, advantages of Object Oriented Programming over earlier programming methodologies,

Classes: Defining classes (attributes, methods), creating instance objects, accessing attributes and methods, using built in class attributes (dict, doc, name, module, bases), Constructor( __init()_ _, _ _del()_ _ and _ _ str()_ _) methods in a class, private attributes (limited support), importance of “self” (acts as a pointer to current calling object) operator overloading with methods.


Concept of base class and derived class: Single, multilevel and multiple inheritance- Overriding methods, using super( ) in derived class to invoke _ _init()_ _ or overridden methods of parent class.

CBSE Syllabus 2017-18 for Class 12 Physical Education

Unit 2: Advance Programming with Python (42 Theory + 36 Practical) Periods

Linear List Manipulation: Sequential allocation, traversal,insertion of an element in a sorted list, deletion of an element from the list, searching (linear, binary), sorting (insertion, selection, bubble).

Stacks (List Implementation): Introduction to stack (LIFO Operations), operations on stack (PUSH and POP ) and its implementation in python.

Converting expression from infix to postfix notation and evaluation of postfix expression.

Queues (List implementation) – Introduction to Queue(FIFO) , Operations on Queue (INSERT and DELETE) and its implementation in Python.

Data File

Need for data file, types of data file–text and binary,opening and closing files-open( ), close( ), access modes (output, input, default), file object, access_modes, reading and writing a file read(), readline(), readlines(), write(), writelines file positions (seek(), tell()), renaming and deleting a file.,flush();

Implementation of basic file operations on text and binary file in Python: Creating/writing data into file, reading and displaying data from file, searching for particular data from a file, insertion and deletion of data from an already existing file, modification of data in file.

Error and Exceptions – NameError, IndexError, TypeError, IO Error, ImportError, ValueError,


Generator function using Yield.

It is downloaded by Google for more information search on it.
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