Biology, asked by AraKim, 4 months ago

☆Cell Q placed in a hypotonic solution receives water by Osmosis. It does not burst because it is surrounded by a rigid cell wall which can withstand the hydrostatic or turgor pressure of the turgid cell content. The cell wall counters the turgor pressure by exerting wall pressure. If the living cell is immersed in a solu9tion x the concentration of y molecules inside the cell will be higher than outside. As a result waterville move by the process Z from inside the cell to outside the cell. The cytoplasm along with the plasma membrane shrinks and separates from the cell wall . This process of shrinkage of protoplast from the cell wall is caused by hypertonic solution process is called W.☆

Q. Plasmosis in Q occur due to?
1). Exosmosis
2). Endosmosis
3). Absorption

Q. Identity the process Z.
1). Endosmosis
2). Plasmolysis
3). Absorption ​


Answered by pattnaikkunal66


1 Economic

2 abdominal

1; goyhm

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