Biology, asked by bmalik9279, 1 year ago

Certain drugs are absorbed through layer of buccal cavity from the floor.What is the terminology for this kind of absorption


Answered by Rajeshkumare
Flooring is any a permanent covering of a floor, or the work of installing such a floor covering. Floor covering is a term to generically describe any finish material applied over a floor structure to provide a walking surface. Both terms are used interchangeably but floor covering refers more to loose-laid materials.

Materials almost always classified as flooring include carpet, laminate, tile and vinyl.
absorption is a physical or chemical phenomenon or a process in which atoms, molecules or ions enter some bulk phase – liquid or solid material. This is a different process from adsorption, since molecules undergoing absorption are taken up by the volume, not by the surface (as in the case for adsorption). A more general term is sorption, which covers absorption, adsorption, and ion exchange. Absorption is a condition in which something takes in another substance.[

In many processes important in technology, the chemical absorption is used in place of the physical process, e.g., absorption of carbon dioxide by sodium hydroxide – such acid-base processes do not follow the Nernst partition law.

For some examples of this effect, see liquid-liquid extraction. It is possible to extract from one liquid phase to another a solute without a chemical reaction. Examples of such solutes are noble gases and osmium tetroxide.[

The process of absorption means that a substance captures and transforms energy. The absorbent distributes the material it captures throughout whole and adsorbent only distributes it through the surface.

The process of gas or liquid which penetrate into the body of adsorbent is commonly known as absorption.

Answered by Anonymous



→The oral cavity, bound by the cheeks of the face, the palate, and the flesh of the mandible, opening onto the mouth and the fauces, and containing the teeth, tongue, gums, and other structures.

→The buccal cavity may serve as a space to temporarily store the food inside of a person's (or another animal's) mouth as well as a space where this food will be soaked with saliva coming from the parotid gland. This will help begin the process of digestion.

→Mouth, also called oral cavity or buccal cavity, in human anatomy, orifice through which food and air enter the body

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