English, asked by SHUBHSAXENA165, 6 days ago

ch 13 the heart of the tree
1. He plants the glory of the plain He plants the forest's heritage.
a. What two things does a tree planter actually plant?
b. How does planting a tree bring us physical comfort?
c Why does the speaker call the tree a link between us and our children?​


Answered by rameshrajput16h


1.In Henry Cuyler Bunner’s poem The Heart of the Tree the poet sees the trees as the ‘glory of the plain’. As the hills and rocks make a mountainous area beautiful, trees hold the beauty of the plain land. Without trees, a plain would resemble a desert without any rain and cultivation. Tree brings tender rain and gives cool shade, bears fruit and feeds us, decorates the earth with beautiful flowers and their fragrance. They resemble flying flags on high shafts in mild breeze. Trees give shelter to sweet singing birds and other animals. Thus trees not only make the plain area aesthetically beautiful, but also help keep the ecosystem rolling. That is why Henry Bunner says the man who plants a tree also plants the glory of the plain

a. The Tree planter actually plants seed and bud. These two things are the basic means to reproduce a tree.

b. planting a tree bring us physical comfort because we get oxygen, that is fresh air shed food it, medicines and also it brings rainfall


It is clear from the poem that the speaker has suffered the bane of discrimination in human society. His statement that if he were a tree no bird would ask him what caste he is, makes it clear that the speaker is made to feel ashamed of his caste repeatedly

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