Chemistry, asked by shikhadear121, 1 year ago

chain lenthining reaction of aldose


Answered by purujitpranshu


Glucose chain shortening and lengthening is the chemical processes for decreasing or increasing the carbon chain length of glucose. Glucose can be shortened by oxidation and decarboxylation to generate arabinose, a reaction known as the Ruff degradation.

Answered by sivaprasadkotte


A singularity is NOT a (specific) place. It is a property of a function where the value of that function approaches infinity. For example, the function f: x ⟼ 1/x has a singularity at x = 0 because lim_{x → 0⁺} f(x) = +∞.

A singularity is the set of points where a metric is undefined. It is a geometric property of a manifold that is not limited to black holes, and is not necessarily a single point.

A singularity can be just a coordinate singularity that disappears if you choose a different coordinate system for the manifold. For example, the Schwarzschild metric that describes non-rotating electrically neutral black holes has a coordinate singularity at the event horizon in Schwarzschild coordinates, but not in Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates.

By contrast, every known black hole metric has a true (curvature) singularity with all coordinate systems in or near the center of a black hole.

That singularity does not need to be a point either. For example, in the Kerr and Kerr–Newman metrics that describe rotating black holes (with angular momentum J ≠ 0) the singularity is a ring (a set of adjacent points/events).

Also, it is important to understand that singularities with black holes are not (a set of) points in space, but in space*time*: they are a set of *events*.

A spacetime singularity does not have to be a spacetime *curvature* singularity. For example, the Schwarzschild metric, the spacetime metric of a spherical mass distribution with total mass M, zero angular momentum, and zero electric charge, has a singularity at the Schwarzschild radius r = rₛ := 2 G M/c²:

ds² = ±(1 − rₛ/r) c²dt² ∓ 1/(1 − rₛ/r) dr² ∓ r² (dθ² + sin²θ dφ²).

Because r = rₛ ⇒ 1/(1 − rₛ/r) = 1/0 ⇒ lim_{r → rₛ} ds² = ∓∞.

However, this is NOT a spacetime *curvature* singularity because it can be avoided by using a different coordinate system. For example, the metric is in Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates:

ds² = 32G³M³/r exp(−r/(2 G M)) (±dT² ∓ dX²) ∓ r² (dθ² + sin²θ dφ²),

where c = 1. Now,

r = rₛ = 2 G M/c² ⇒ ds² = 16G²M² exp(−1) (±dT² ∓ dX²) ∓ 4G²M² (dθ² + sin²θ dφ²) ≠ ±∞

and the spacetime singularity at r = rₛ disappears.

There is still a spacetime *curvature* singularity at r = 0 because 32G³M³/0 is not defined in these coordinates, and there are no known coordinates that can avoid that.

Finally, even a spacetime *curvature* singularity does NOT have to be point-like. The curvature singularity of the Kerr and Kerr–Newman metrics, for a black hole with non-zero angular momentum, is *ring*-shaped.

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