Change Assertive to Exclamatory Sentences
Exercises - 3
1. She dances very well.
2. A terrible fate awaits the man.
3. He leads a most unhappy life.
4. The weather is very charming indeed.
5. It was the most eloquent speech.
6. I wish I were young again.
7. It is sad to think that youth should pass
8. It is very sad that poor Kamla is dead.
9. The Taj is a very beautiful monument.
10. She is very beautiful.
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Formally, a carbanion is the conjugate base of a carbon acid: ... The carbanions formed from deprotonation of alkanes (at an sp3 carbon), alkenes (at an sp2 carbon), arenes (at an sp2 carbon), and alkynes (at an sp carbon) are known as alkyl, alkenyl (vinyl), aryl, and alkynyl (acetylide) anions, respectively.
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