change into passive
do you like mangoes
Are mangoes liked by you
Do you like mangoes? (Active)
Are mangoes liked by you? (Passive)
Additional Information:
The voice of the verb states whether the subject does the work or something has been done to it.
In active voice the subject is the doer of the action.
Example :- Avni ate the mangoes.
In Passive voice the Subject is the receiver of the action.
Example :- The mangoes were eaten by Avni
★ Difference between active and passive voice.
❍ Sentences in the active voice are stronger, direct, use fewer words, and show who performs the action.
Example: Tom fed the dog.
❍ Sentences in the passive voice to weaker indirect, use more words a compared to an active voice and show who receives the action. Sometimes, the doer of the action is omitted.
Example : The dog was fed by Tom. or
. The dog was fed.