English, asked by uttamkumar77, 2 months ago

Change into Passive Voice.

a. He Killed a tiger.

b. He writes a story.

c. They are flying kites.​


Answered by Anonymous

Required Answer -

1. A tiger was killed by him.

2. A story is written by him.

3. Kites are being flown by them.


In English language there are 2 types voices those are -

1. Active voice

2. Passive voice

Explanation !!

Active voice -

The verb is in active voice when it's form shows that the person or anything is denoted by the subject does something or is the doer of the active.

For eg :-

1] I am eating an ice cream.

2] He is polishing the shoes.

Passive voice -

A verb in passive voice when it's form shows that something is done to that person or anything denoted by the subject.

For eg :-

1] An ice cream is being eaten by me.

2] The shoes are being polished by him.

Structure -

1. Active voice - Subject + verb + object

2. Passive voice - object + verb + subject


EliteSoul: Awesome answer!
Answered by BrainlyHero420


\boxed{\bold{\small{Change\: into\: Passive\: Voice :-}}}

❶ He killed a tiger.

\leadsto A tiger has been killed by him.

❷ He writes a story.

\leadsto A story is written by him

❸ They are flying kites.

\leadsto The kites are being flew by them.


✦ Extra Information ✦

Active Voice :-

  • A voice is in active voice when it's forms shows that the person or things denoted by the subject does something.
  • For example :-
  1. He will finish the work in a fortnight.

Passive Voice :-

  • A voice is in passive voice when it's forms shows that something is done to the person or things denoted by the subject.
  • For example :-
  1. The work will be finished by him in a fortnight.
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