CBSE BOARD X, asked by vinita08, 9 months ago

change the following into indirect narration​



Answered by shivani8379


1. The captain ordered the soldiers to guard that bridge .

2. Mother ordered krishna to go to his father's study and bring some magazines for her to read.

3. Mohan adviced suresh not to go nearer the dog who is rabid .

4. The old beggar begged to pran to give him some money .

5. The poor old man pleased Naresh to help him to cross that crowded street .

6. Mohan adviced me to go for a walk daily .

7.Mother adviced vinita to attend her classes regularly .

8. Mother invited him to have coffee with him .

9. Suresh command Dinesh not to read that dirty novels .

10. My servent requested me to give him one hundered rupees in advance against his next months pay .

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