English, asked by johanmon, 1 year ago

Change the following sentence into passive voice
1 She invited him to her house yesterday
2. Lincoln emancipated four million American slaves.
3. We propose to to build a family for irrigation purposes.
4. Alas!we shall hear her voice no more.
5. India won the cricket match.


Answered by kkc1101
1.yesterday he was invited to her house
5.the cricket match waswinned by india
Answered by loxia

In a sentence with an active voice, the subject performs the action which is denoted by the verb. In other words, the subject is the doer of the action. Whereas in a passive voice, the subject is not active but by the verb is acted upon.

Passive voice is the voice used to show an interest in the object or person who experienced the action rather upon the action performer. In passive voice, a subject is an important thing.

The sentences when written in passive voice, it would be written as:

  1. He was invited by her previous day.
  2. Four million american slaves were emancipated by Lincoln.
  3. For irrigation purposes we have proposed to build a family.
  4. Sadly, her voice will be heard no more.
  5. The cricket match was won by India.
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