English, asked by shabarimuthu1986, 17 hours ago

Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech or


1 .The film is interesting," said Arshad.

2.Shivam said, "Can you swim, Arjun?"

3. "I am very busy now," said the manager

4.The Principal said, "The results are being prepared on the computer."

5. Mohsin said, "I think the film is very long and quite boring."

6. Harpreet said to Sriram, "Did you enjoy your holidays?"

7. He inquired of us whether we were going away that day.

8. The lecturer said to the boy, "Why were you absent yesterday?"

9. Mother said, "You cannot go out in the dark by yourself."

10.Monica said that she wanted to meet all her cousins and friends in India that year​


Answered by praptinaik330

1.Arshad Said That the Film Is Interesting.

The Manager Said That he is Very Busy Then.

Answered by mehanaponnu


1:Adarsh said that the film is interesting

2:Shivam ask arjun that did he know to swim

3: Manager said that he is very busy now

4: Principal said that the results are being prepared on the computer

5:Mohsin said that he thought the film is very long and quite boring

6:harprit ask sriram that did he enjoy his holidays

7:I inquires you that they are going this day

8:The lecture said the boy that why was he Absent yesterday

9:Mother said that I can't go out in the dark by myself

10:Monica said,"I want to meet all my friends and cousins in india this year

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