English, asked by pilakaswamy, 4 months ago

change the following sentences from passive voice to active voice.
1.We were told by the chief that we should be careful in taking the path.
2. The telephone wires have been cut due to wind.
3. The exhibition was inaugurated by the governor.
4. Let the job be finished now by him.
5. When we're all your demands accepted by them?
6. Admittance was refused to him by the security.
7. The building is being built by the mason.​


Answered by jhirijhiri26


1. The chief told us that taking the path should be carefully chosen.

2. Wind has cut the telephone wires.

3. The governor inaugurated the exhibition.

4. Let him finish this job now

5. When did they accept all your demands?

6. The security refused his admittance.

7. The mason is building the building.


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Answered by Anonymous


1. The chief told us that we should be careful in taking the path.

2. The wind has cut the telephone wires.

3. The governor inaugurated the exhibition.

4. Let him finish the job now.

5. When did they accept all your demands?

6. The security refused admittance to him.

7. The mason is building the building.


The given sentences are in passive voice and we need to change it into active voice by making the person or thing denoted by the subject active or doer of the action.

Golden Rules:

  • Changing the passive voice into active voice the conjunction 'by' is removed.

  • Tenses are changed accordingly that is according to tense of the sentence the tenses are changed.

  • Some other mandatory changes can be observed


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