Change the following sentences into active voice:
1).The boy's temperature was checked by the nurse.
2).The criminals were locked up by the police.
3). The food is going to be prepared by mom.
4). Acupuncture was discovered by the Chinese.
5). The keys must have been
left behind.
6). The blaze was extinguished by the fire fighter.
7). The novel was written by a famous author.
8). The cake is being eaten by the boy.
Answered by
the nurse ckeckd the boy temperature
police locked the criminal
my mom is preparing food
chinese discovered acupuncture
somebody left the key
firefighter extinguished the blaze
a famous author wrote the novel
the boy is eating the cake
pls mak the bainliest answer
Answered by
●Correct answers:-
1. The nurse checked the boy's temperature.
2. The police locked up the criminals.
3. Mom is going to prepare the food.
4. The Chinese discovered Acupuncture.
5. Somebody must have left the keys.
6. The fire fighter extinguished the blaze.
7. A famous author wrote the novel.
8. The boy is eating the cake.
#_100% correct✌
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