English, asked by kanganagoswami07, 5 months ago

Change the following sentences into INDIRECTO SPEECH:
1) Gita said to Dharam, "We haven't finished our homework."
2) You need to work harder in school, "said Meena's mother.
3) She said, "We are worried about the damage caused by the fire."
4) Mother said to Bhavesh, "Clean your room right now.​


Answered by priyambika0108rajput


Below is the answer


1. Gita told Dharam that they hadn't finished their homework.

2. Meena's mother said that you need to work harder in school.

3. She said that they were worried about the damage caused by the fire.

4. Mother ordered Bhavesh to clean his room at this point.

Hope u like my answer. do mark me brainliest... :-)

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