English, asked by esubalanesu, 1 month ago

change the gender of the nouns wherever possible my brother is a good lawyer​


Answered by pinky353


The required speech is as follows :


"Whoever controls media, controls mind". A very hearty Good Morning to one and all present here ! Respected Principal Sir, worthy teachers and all my dear fellow mates. Today I Aurora, of class XYZ is standing before you in this frizzy winter to deliver a short speech on the topic 'How media influences public opinion'.

Dear friends, first of all I would like to ask you all a question, 'What do you think is our media for ?' Most of us will reply that they are for our entertainment, fun and even unfortunately some will reply 'for movies and Bollywood'. Now if we look back at our history during 18th century we see that even first newspapers were started for spreading information in mass. Earlier literacy rate of India was very low.

A single person used to first read the newspaper and then shared the information to the gathered people around. But that time was different. Now nearly every person has a mobile phone, TV, PC and what not. Has this increased public participation in Democracy ? Yes indeed it has done that. On one single click we get information of our surrounding at a faster pace. As a fourth pillar of Democracy it makes our mindful of different social, political and financial exercises around us.

If we take current situation, most of the election popularisation works in different states is being managed by mass media only due to its advancements. Media makes participation of people in political activities even at grass - root levels. This efficiency enhances the Federalism of India. Media has many roles in shaping public opinion in our society. Let's discuss them one by one. In economic terms, media shows the expenditure, budgets and taxes to the citizens of a nation.

It makes people aware of the different types of money related issues that they have to face. Even it checks that no people are harassed by fake news on balances. Its makes people rise over their concern directly to the government so that actions can be taken for them. In social terms, media promotes the functioning of the government. It helps people to convey their social problems to the government. Even many NGOs and Human Rights Organizations take help of medias to make people aware of their rights.

Commonly Media acts as an inference or better to say 'compass' which gives direction to the views of people. It organises the vast multitudes of opinions into a single issue which can be beneficial to all the groups of society. It works 24 × 7 and makes people get in touch with latest developments. As 'Opposition' in Politics, media acts as a hub where the opposition party by taking views of public claims the wrong decisions of Ruling Party.

Also, during elections media shows mirror about different parties to people so that we can make right decision in voting. All these were some positive aspects of media's influence on public opinions. Now let's discuss about some negative aspects also. Nowadays its a common seen trend that media enlarges a short issue just to gain popularity. This results in riots, violence, protests, etc. because the issue which could have been solved by a single subtle discussion, now has been made a larger issue.

Let me present an example. I have a friend, Cupicake. She remains quite much familiar with medias. Some days ago, she received a post which asked her to share the image attached with it to her other friends. That image was of a case where Police was beating a few groups of people. She has shared that. This led a immediate violence in that region and finally it was known that Police was beating a few robbers. Now who to put blame of that riot ? Of course we are the one who done it.

At last I would like to conclude my speech by just saying that, it is the duty of media to transfer right and reliable information to people and its duty of people to share and trust upon right information from a good source. In this way the world and the nation would be leaded to right path.

Thank you one and all.


★ More to know :-

Format of Speech :

*Note - Here I used name as Aurora. You can use any according to your choice and class also according to the situation.


hope that u r helpful

please follow thank and brinlylist please

Answered by tahsina14


Mark as brainiest please


My sister is a good For( feminine side of lawyer)

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