English, asked by rs2421436, 4 months ago

change the sentence into
possesive case
(i) The party

belongs to the boys​


Answered by brainlyash913


guy uses babysitter site to see you soon

Answered by akashmauya999



When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, we usually add an apostrophe + s ('s) to a singular noun and an apostrophe (') to a plural noun, for example:

the boy's ball (one boy)

the boys' ball (two or more boys)

Notice that the number of balls does not matter. The structure is influenced by the possessor and not the possessed.

one ball more than one ball

one boy boy and ball

the boy's ball boy and balls

the boy's balls

more than one boy boys and ball

the boys' ball boys and balls

the boys' balls

The structure can be used for a whole phrase:

the man next door's mother (the mother of the man next door)

the Queen of England's poodles (the poodles of the Queen of England)

Although we can use of to show possession, it is more usual to use possessive 's. The following phrases have the same meaning, but #2 is more usual and natural:

the boyfriend of my sister

my sister's boyfriend

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