English, asked by jkjosan1981, 1 year ago

Change this direct speech into reported speech.
1. Where is the post office?
She asked me
2. Why is Julie sad?
She asked me
3. What's for dinner?
She asked me
4. Who is the woman in the red dress?
She asked me
5. How is your grandmother?
She asked me
6. When is the party?
She asked me
7. How much is the rent on your flat?
She asked me
8. Where are the glasses?
She asked me
9. “She hasn't eaten sushi before"
She said
10. “I hadn't travelled by underground before I came to London"
She said
11. “They would help if they could”
She said
12. “I'll do the washing-up later”
She told me​


Answered by yashaswini3679


  1. She asked me where the post office was.
  2. She asked me why Julie was sad.
  3. She asked me what the dinner was.
  4. She asked me who the women in red dress was.
  5. She asked me how my grandmother was.
  6. She enquired me when the party was.
  7. She enquired me how much the rent on our flat was.


Answered by mohanapriya65b


where is tha post office

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