English, asked by ggvvv, 5 months ago

Change this sentence to Complex.
If your ans is correct i will mark it as brainliest​


Answered by Anonymous


A complex sentence contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence and makes a complete thought and a dependent clause cannot stand alone, even though it has a subject and a verb.


Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave.

Though he was very rich, he was still very unhappy.

Answered by varshininclass9

Verbs are of two kinds, viz. finite and non finite. A finite verb is one which has either the of tenses - past or present.

Sentences are composed of clauses - main clause/s, main clause/s and subordinate clauses.

Thee will be as many clauses as there are finite verbs in a sentence.

A simple sentence is one in which there is only one clause and that is the main clause.

Let’s take the two sentences already given by Uxbridge and Mr Rasheed Ahmed.

The girl sitting next to John is his sister. This is a simple sentence because there is only one finite verb and it is is. The non finite (sitting) has been changed into finite: is sitting.

Seeing the police the thief ran away. This is again another simple sentence with the finite verb ran (away). The non finite (seeing) has been changed into finite: saw.

Both the answers (‘The girl who is sitting next to John is his sister./The thief ran away when he saw the police.’ exemplify how the clauses are connected with subordinating conjunctions, i.e. who and when, and changed into complex sentences)

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