English, asked by TajrianHasan, 3 months ago


change each of the words in heavy type into its correct form

1) my _suggest_ is that you set aside 2 hours per day for study.
2) do not speak until you are _speak_ to
3) I like your _describe_ of a furious teacher
4) the headmaster himself is _absence_ today.
5) you'll need to visit the gym to _development_ a few muscles!
6) she is our school's best _debate_
7) a _success_ effort requires a lot of hard work.
8) we will only on excursions are that _education_.
9) the losing team _behaviour_ badly.
10) the school secretary had an _answer_ service fitted to her phone​​


Answered by Anonymous

with no mistakes; right or true

शुद्घ, त्रुटिहीन; सही या सत्‍य

Well done! All your answers were correct. Well done! All your answers were correct.


(used about behaviour, manners, dress, etc.) suitable, proper or right

(व्‍यवहार, आचरण, वस्‍त्र आदि) उपयुक्त या सही

What’s the correct form of address for a vicar? What’s the correct form of address for a vicar?





to make a mistake, fault, etc. right or better

ग़लती को शुद्घ करना; सुधारना, सही करना

to correct a spelling mistake to correct a spelling mistake


to tell somebody what mistakes he/she is making or what faults he/she has

(किसी की) ग़लती बताना

He’s always correcting me when I’m talking to people. He’s always correcting me when I’m talking to people.

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