changes in the locality EVs aasignment
The environment constantly changes day by day due to pressure of modernization, urbanization and industrialization. There is a changes of climate, land and waterbodies are also a cause for this changes.
Arrangement of ecosystem:
1. People who are living in rural area use fetch waters from ponds, tanks, wells etc.
2. Due to globalization only four countries are making fruits and crops which are reaching in the Indian market.
3. Chulla to our microwave we see a huge revolution in the past 50 years.
Ethnic ecosystem services:
This is given by the people of their daily basis, thus perspective are devastating and human encroachment.
Supporting infrastructure services:
Just because of human interference evolution of soil and nutrient cycling are hampered.
Uncontrollable population is the cause of ending of all resources.
ok bro
I think it will help u