Changing aim of education in context of globalization
The term 'globalization'is a process that is beneficial to future world economic development and the process is inevitable and irreversible. It is a process that encompasses the causes,course and consequence of traditional and transcultural integration of human and non-human activities.It can also be defined as a material set of practices drawn from the world of business combined with a neo-liberal market ideology.
Hence globalization can be defined as free cross border flow of goods,services,capital,labour information,ideas and intellectual property. Globalization has its effect on every sector of our economy including education."Globalization is education refers to integrating an international dimension into teaching , learning and services function of the institution."The is tremendous increase in the demand for quality education in the new knowledge economy.In the 21st century education system face the challenges of equipping student with the new knowledge , skills and values needed to be competitive in a global market while at same time producing graduates who are responsible adults,good citizens both of their country and of the world.Thus globalization challenges us to rethink not only how much education is needed but also its ultimate purposes.