changing these unlike decimals into like decimals: 3.8 ; 493.103 ; 81.92 ; 43.1
We can convert unlike decimals into like decimals by adding zeros to the right of decimal point or by finding their equivalent decimal. Note: Unlike decimals can also be equivalent decimals. Examples: 0.3, 0.30, 0.3000 are unlike but equivalent decimals.
3.800 ; 493.103 ; 81.920 ; 43.100
Hope it's Helpful to all
Step-by-step explanation:
Given :
To find: Change unlike decimals into like decimals.
Tip: Like decimals have same digits after decimal point.
Step 1: Analyze the given numbers
By analysis we can see that largest digits after decimal point is 3, as in 493.103
Thus, all the numbers should have three digits after decimal point.
Step 2: Make number of digits equal after decimal point.
we know that number of zeros can be appended in right side of decimal point. The number will remain same.
the numbers are like decimals now.
Final answer:
Hope it helps you.
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