Chankaya biography
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Chanakya also served as the adviser to Chandragupta's son Bindusara. Chanakya was born in a Brahmin family in 350 BC. ... According to the Jain writer Hemachandra, Chanakya was born in the Chanaka village of the Golla region, to Chanin and his wife Chaneshvari while other sources claim that his father's name was Chanak.
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Chanakya was an ancient teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal advisor. He is traditionally identified as Kauṭilya or Vishnugupta, who authored the ancient Indian political treatise, the Arthashastra, a text dated to roughly between the 2nd century BCE and the 3rd century CE. As such, he is considered the pioneer of the field of political science and and economics in India, and his work is thought of as an important precursor to classical economic. His works were lost near Gupta Empire and not rediscovered until the early twentieth century.
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