English, asked by gauravjaiswal10, 1 year ago

"chaos after rain" a composition 350-400 words..


Answered by krishnanema
My Experience on A Rainy Day gives me sweet memories. Rains are blessings. Rains are a curse. If we could control rains and bring them on wherever we are in need or keep them off as long as we desires them, of course rains would be a blessing. But as it is, elements of nature are not under human control sometimes not to our liking. There was a day when it rained and I did not like it. 

It was a holiday and I had planned to enjoy the day. I was to pay a visit to my sister at Thriuttani which is at a distance of 75 kilometers form my place. Early that morning I started from house. 

Even at that hour I could see bad weather ahead. Dark, smoky clouds threatened rain. I thought I would be safe if I got into a bus. As! It was in vain. 

I was getting into the blue when it started raining and it’s rained the way it has never rained. Within a few minutes anyone was drenched to the skin. None got the time to get a shelter. In a very short time the roads were flooded. The traffic came to a standstill. 

Visibility was reduced to a few meters. It poured so heavily that even there headlights of the bus could not pierce the thick sheet of water pouring form the sky. Water collected more speedily than it went down the drains. 

The stalls and the temporary structures for the shops at the bus stop dripped. Those inside the shops and buses were in no way better than those outside on the road who were getting wet in utter helplessness. It soon became worse. 

The stools, benches, chairs and small tables kept for customers outside the shops and stalls began to float in the rising streams of rain water. It was a pity to see people running after their articles. 

A man running to catch a bench fell into a drain. He might have been swept away by the strong current but the water itself threw him out. The poor man stood for a moment looking dazed at the rushing water. 

It rained for four hours during which period all activities came to a standstill. When at last the rain stopped, I was hardly in shape to carry on my journey. There was hardly any time left for the return trip. 

Moreover, I left home sick and longed to be at home in my comfortable bed. Hence I came home.
Answered by chandilharsh
A chaos after rain
Describe how bad weather conditions affected the people living in your area. It was the worst rainy weather I had seen. The skies remained overcast as sheets of rain poured down without stopping. In the evenings, the rain was usually accompanied by blinding flashes of lightning and deafening peals of thunder. Most of the residents in my area remained confined indoors. Apart from people scurrying to and from work and school, there was little outdoor activity.

The town where I live, Kuantan, faces the Pahang River. After three days of incessantrain, the swollen river burst its banks and unleashed its fury on the residents. Many of the residents ere caught off-guard. As the floodwaters rose, many of the residents were forced to flee their homes.

Although our area was a flood-prone area, many were caught by surprise as this was not the monsoon season. Every year, the north-east monsoon would bring heavy rains to the east coast at the end of each year. However, the sudden floods in the middle of the year caused jitters among the residents.

Houses were inundated. The heavy downpour also triggered landslides, causing further damage to houses. The heavy rain caused traffic woes as many vehicles were stalled. Some motorists were seen pushing their stalled vehicles while others were stranded.

When the rain did not abate after two consecutive days, people began to be evacuated to higher ground. Many took shelter in a secondary school nearby which was turned into a temporary relief center. Most of the residents did not have time to salvage their belongings. Several residents from nearby villages were marooned in the area after road links were cut off by the floodwaters.

Various authorities were deployed to help evacuate and supply food to the flood victims. Strong winds aggravated the situation as several trees were uprooted. Roofs of houses were ripped off and went hurtling away n the fierce winds.

After a week of continuous downpour, the rain finally showed signs of abating. The overcast skies finally cleared. The faint glow of the sun's rays brought cheer and relief to the people affected by the floods. People started to return to their homes. After a week of uncertainty and chaos, life returned to normal.

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