Chapter 1
Writter name- Ashoo kalra
Book name Pearson
Class 7
Chapter- 1 , Name - The boy judge
Think and answer- What does the story tell you about justice.
Late autumn. I visit the judge. He has spent years sitting on a tribunal listening to refugees’ stories of flight and persecution. He has to assess their stories—true or false—fact or fiction or faction? Are they ‘real’ refugees or fakes? Will we let them in? Or close the door slam! bang! in their faces. He is one of the gatekeepers, and the gate is often closed.
Late autumn. I visit the judge. He has spent years sitting on a tribunal listening to refugees’ stories of flight and persecution. He has to assess their stories—true or false—fact or fiction or faction? Are they ‘real’ refugees or fakes? Will we let them in? Or close the door slam! bang! in their faces. He is one of the gatekeepers, and the gate is often closed.