chapter - Chocolate cream soldier
Diary entry
please tell
A1.The man describes a cavalry charge a 'funny sight' because he is an experienced soldier who sees no glory in war and so has a different view about it. To him a cavalry charge is like slinging a handful of peas on a window pane -first one soldier comes, then two or three follow close behind him and then all the rest in a lump.
A2.According to the stranger the first man in the cavalry charge that day was the funniest of sights.He led the charge with much animation and a war-cry. He represented a person who was under the illusion that he had done a great thing. Whereas in reality he had committed the gravest of mistake of leading his regiment into a suicidal attack.
A3.Raina thought Sergius was nobel and brave but the man thought that he was the biggest fool. According to him he ought to be court – martialled for leading himself and his regiment into a suicidal attack. He had been lucky because the enemy did not have cartridges.
A4.The 'soldierly thing' that Raina wanted to do was to help the man escape. She wanted to go to the balcony to check if it was safe for him to climb down.
A5. 'It' refers to death. The man did not have the courage to walk into the streets full of soldiers who would not hesitate to shoot him down in cold blood.