English, asked by Anonymous, 1 month ago

chapter name is best Christmas present in the world
why was the letter written? what was wonderful things happen on the Christmas Day?


Answered by sabaqueen86


Jim wrote the letter to tell his wife about a wonderful thing that had happened on Christmas day. The British and the Germans were engaged in a war, yet on this day, both the troops met in no man's land. It was a thing of wonder because right in the middle of a war, the warring soldiers were making peace.

Answered by akumarbhagat925


The traditionally Christian holiday is a celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus in Bethlehem to Joseph and the Virgin Mary. The English term "Christmas" comes from the combination of the words "mass" and "Christ," according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Jim wrote the letter to tell his wife about a wonderful thing that had happened on Christmas day. The British and the Germans were engaged in a war, yet on this day, both the troops met in no man's land. It was a thing of wonder because right in the middle of a war, the warring soldiers were making peace.

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