Chapter The snake and the mirror 'Fan of follower of something' pick out the word meaning in the passage
In science, a formula is a concise way of expressing information symbolically, as in a mathematical formula or a chemical formula. The informal use of the term formula in science refers to the general construct of a relationship between given quantities.
Synonyms & Antonyms of follower
1one who follows the opinions or teachings of another
the followers of Gandhi have spread his philosophy of nonviolence all over the world
Synonyms for follower
acolyte, adherent, convert, disciple, epigone, liege man, partisan (also partizan), pupil, votarist, votary
Words Related to follower
apostle, missionary, proselytizer, soldier
faithful, loyalist
advocate, backer, champion, supporter
protégé, scholar, student
ideologist, ideologue (also idealogue), sectarian
admirer, cultist, devotee, enthusiast, fan, idolater (or idolator), worshipper (or worshiper), zealot
apparatchik, camp follower, flunky (also flunkey or flunkie), hanger-on, henchman, lackey, lickspittle, minion, myrmidon, satellite, stooge, sycophant, toady, yes-man
Near Antonyms for follower
apostate, defector, renegade, traitor, turncoat
Antonyms for follower
coryphaeus, leader
2a person who adopts the appearance or behavior of another especially in an obvious way
Brando's Method acting inspired a whole generation of mumbling followers
Synonyms for follower
aper, copycat, copyist, echo, imitator, rubber stamp, wannabe (also wannabee)
Words Related to follower
ape, emulator, impersonator, impressionist, mimic
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