character of dushyanata in abhigyanam shakuntalam long answer
Dushyanta in Abhijnanasakuntalamthe hero of kalidasa in Abhijnanasakuntalam is a perfect hero king,the best among his other heroes.Still we can find some faults in the character of Dushyanta.His character is very close to perfection.He mirrors all the virtues of Nayaka and befits the definition of hero.Kalidasa has chiseled and sharpened every virtue of a Dhiroddhata hero.Theoritically only gods are taken as Dhiroddhata hero but Kalidasa has made him no ordinary king.He mingles with gods and deities and is shown as equivalent to Indra in valour.In fact,the proper play begins with a comparison between him and lord shiva. Dushyanta possesses all the qualities of a Dhiroddhata Nayaka who should be firm and brave,accordingly serious,forgiving,not given to self-pride,not boast,resolute,devoid of ego,,firm of purpose and of a noble lineage.He is a great warrior and a connoisseur of art.He is a pleasing man with fine looks which could charm even a girl not inclined to be charmed so easily because of her ascetic upbringing.His graces are immense and his noble form has been described at several places in the play.Sakuntala's friend Anusuya assures that the king cannot assure that the king cannon abandon their friend. Dushyanta is a follower of Dharma.He steadfastly follows the Dharma of a noble king.In the beginning of the play,when he is engaged in hunting for his pleasure,he is quick to realise the damage his hunting does to the forest dwellers and so gives and sends his retinue back.As a king he considers it his primary duty to protect ascetic rituals from pupil of the ashram aptly comments on the great might of the excellent monarch in the beginning of act three.Dushyata's skill as a warrior is acknowledged all over and he fights and finishes demons on behalf of Indra.But Dushyanta's bravery doesn't mar his modesty and kindness.He is ever conscious of his Dharma in all circumstances.