Hindi, asked by ushreya94, 1 year ago

character sketch about shakuni in hindi


Answered by little13
Shakuni is perhaps best known for masterminding the infamous Game of Dice between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. A master of sorcery, Shakuni had his blessed dice which would always follow his will. Unaware of this fact, the Pandavas were defeated in the gambling match. Shakuni encourages Duryodhana, Dushasana, Karna, and the others when they taunt and humiliate the Pandavas.

Shakuni is also one of the masterminds behind the Kurukshetra War. His intentions include his desires a) to avenge the defeat of Gandhara by Hastinapuryears before, b) to avenge the torture and murder of his father, King Subala, by Bhishma, and c) to avenge the insult Bhishma made when he insisted on Gandhari's marriage to a blind man. Shakuni's main enmity was with Bhishma, who had humiliatingly defeated and ravaged Gandhara, when Hastinapur was expanding its territories. He wanted to destroy the Kuru empire and the royal lineage itself, as a revenge for what was done to his people.

He mainly worked by inciting hatred between the Kauravas and Pandavas; his plans culminated in the biggest war in Indian history. Although he often failed in his tricks against Pandavas, he never lost his faith in his ability to destroy the lineage of Kuru. A far-sighted man, his plan was much bigger than causing plight to the Pandavas; he wanted a full-scaled civil war between the kingdoms of India, which will destroy the country for generations, fulfilling his revenge. He feared nobody, except Shri Krishna, whom he considered as an obstacle, since he knew that only Krishna had the power and influence to foil his plan. Krishna was a shrewd diplomat and statesman, the only person who matched Shakuni's cunning and intelligence.

Answered by sOnU282737
कुरुवंश की कहानी

महाभारत के सबसे प्रमुख पात्र होने के बावजूद शकुनि की कहानी को हमेशा नजरअंदाज किया जाता है। शायद कोई भी व्यक्ति इस बात को नकार नहीं सकता कि अगर महाभारत में शकुनि ना होता तो इसकी कहानी कुछ और ही होती। शकुनि ने अपनी चालों से कुरु वंशजों को एक-दूसरे के खिलाफ खड़ा कर दिया। वह शकुनि ही था जिसने कौरवों और पांडवों को इस कदर दुश्मन बना दिया कि दोनों ही एक-दूसरे के खून के प्यासे हो गए।

शकुनि के कृत्य

शकुनि को महाभारत का सबसे रहस्यमय पात्र कहा जाना गलत नहीं है। गांधारी के परिवार को समाप्त कर देने वाला शकुनि अपनी इकलौती बहन से बहुत प्रेम करता था लेकिन इसके बावजूद उसने ऐसे कृत्य किए, जिससे कुरुवंश को आघात पहुंचा।

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