Character sketch of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell
Dr Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone was a good friend and companion for Helen. He remained a great support to her. Dr Bell met Helen when she was just six years old and her parents brought her to him for his advice on how to teach Helen. This meeting was not only the beginning of a long friendship between Dr Bell and Helen bit it also proved to be the foundation of Helen’s education and life.
He loved children and always took the little handicapped in her arms. In fact, Helen dedicated her autobiography ‘ The Story of My Life ‘ to him. She has mentioned the sympathetic and tender nature that made her love him when she visited her. It was on his suggestion that Helen’s father wrote to Mr Anagnos and subsequently found Miss Sullivan as a teacher.
She visited him at his home and his laboratory. Dr Bell used to explain his experiments to her. Having a humorous and a poetic side, he made everybody feel, that anyone can become an inventor.
Her contribution towards making the deaf children comfortable would always be remembered gratefully by handicapped children and their parents. He not only had great achievements to his credit but he always helped other to work on their talent and contributed towards making this world better place to live in. He appears to be a wonderful and patient teacher who could instil enthusiasm and interest in his students that made Helen dedicate her book ‘ The Story of My Life ‘
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