English, asked by sabbir681, 1 year ago

Character sketch of gladys in small women


Answered by rvbohit


Gladys Aylward starts the story as a maid who always wanted to be a stage actress. However, she happens to visit a prayer meeting, and from that time forward she realizes God has a claim on her and that she must serve Him. She is compelled toward the most unlikely of places - China - and with almost no belongings, money, or food, she travels to an unknown land.

Undoubtedly, Gladys has an amazing amount of courage, courage Gladys might say is God-given. This, combined with dogged persistence and an abiding faith that God will take care of her no matter what, allow her to step into extraordinary circumstances - war, famine, the wilderness, a prison, a leper colony. While she might suffer greatly, doubt herself, or forget her purpose (she admonishes herself in one instance for praying for food and shelter, when she should be praying.


Answered by jadynferns2009

Explanation: here are notes if it helps

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