English, asked by hiiammaster9, 2 months ago

Character Sketch of Ishmael
Be At least 80 Words
Must Include 3 Quality of Ishmael​


Answered by basukinathjha10


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The Biblical name Ishmael has come to symbolize orphans, exiles, and social outcasts. By contrast with his namesake from the Book of Genesis, who is banished into the desert, Ishmael wanders upon the sea.



Answered by chetananju19


The narrator is an observant young man from Manhattan, perhaps even as young as Melville was (twenty-one) when he first sailed as a crew member on the American whaler Acushnet. Ishmael tells us that he often seeks a sea voyage when he gets to feeling glum. Four times he has sailed in the merchant service (so he may well be in his mid-twenties or older). This time he has a yearning for a voyage on a whaling ship. Thus we have a story — because of Ishmael's desire for a whaling venture, his keen observation, his ability to spin a yarn, his ability to grow and learn, and his unique survival. If Ishmael doesn't live, we have no story.

Ishmael probably is a more interesting narrator because he is a loner by nature. This allows him further objectivity and a freedom of evaluation that more involvement might dissuade. Melville frequently employs biblical allusions as keys to understanding in the novel, and he does so here. The biblical Ishmael (Genesis 16:1-16; 21:10 ff.) is disinherited and dismissed from his home in favor of his half-brother Isaac. The name suggests that the narrator is something of an outcast, a drifter, a fellow of no particular family other than mankind. Ishmael confirms his independent ways by telling us that he seeks no special rank aboard ship and would not want to be either a cook or a captain; he says he has enough responsibility just taking care of himself. Ishmael speaks of no family or even a last name. This is consistent with the ending of the book in which only Ishmael survives, picked up by the whaling ship Rachel, which, searching after its own missing children, finds only "another orphan".

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