character sketch of Mr Peter pigeon cote in the seven cream jugs
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One indirect characterization of the Pigeoncotes is that they are judgmental. Their fixation with one of their relatives, a kleptomaniac cousin named Wilfrid, led them to confuse him with the Wilfrid who inherited the baronetcy and who also came to visit them, even bringing with him a gift for their anniversary.
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Character sketch of Mr Peter pigeon cote in the seven cream jugs:
- Saki is the author of the short story The Seven Cream Jugs.
- He is a British writer whose original name is Hector Munro.
- Mr. Peter pigeon cote was the protagonist of the story The Seven Cream Jugs.
- Mr. Peter pigeon cote is portrayed as a typical representative of the high class society.
- She had a costly rich silver wedding.
- On the evening of her anniversary celebration, they received gifts.
- After the celebration, they started gossiping with their friends.
- It shows their prejudice nature.
- Wilfrid was their relative who send a telegram for them.
- They thought, he is kleptomania and had an eye out him.
- They checked their suitcase and found seven silver cream jugs.
- Wilfrid kept the jugs as a gift for their anniversary.
- But Mr. Peter pigeon cote assumed it was stolen from them.
- At the end of the plot, she turned the jug back and lied her husband was kleptomania.
- Through the prejudice character of Mr. Peter pigeon cote, the author ends up in a thought provoking story.
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