English, asked by 123456sssu, 1 year ago

character sketch of ozymandias?


Answered by chutkiaki001
Ozymandias, the Greek name for the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II, is portrayed in Shelley's poem as domineering and cruel. His face, sculpted on a monument that lies in the sand separated from his body, bears a "sneer of cold command." Ozymandias had carved on his pedestal a message that suggested he was arrogant, as he claimed he was "the king of kings." Also on the pedestal were the words "Look on my Works, ye Mighty,...
Answered by mjanhvi

When we look upon the character of Ozymandias , we see that on one hand he was a boastful man who bragged about himself stating that he was the king of kings while also pretends himself to be mightier even than the gods .

On the other hand we see that however he was, despite of his flaws,being a king he was responsible for the betterment of his kingdom and it's people.

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