Character Sketch Of Sanatombi
ENG class 5th in 10 lines
1. Name the place in Manipur where the Ningthou and Leima ruled.
Ans. Ningthou and Leima ruled in the land of Kangleipak in Manipur.
2. Why did the people of Kangleipak love their king and queen.
Ans. The people of Kangleipak loved their king and queen because they loved the people and always thought of making them happy.
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Who will be Ningthou
3. Why did Ningthou want to choose a future king?
Ans. Ningthou wanted to choose a future king because the king was growing old.
4. How did the king want to select their future king?
Ans. The king did not want to follow the old custom. He wanted to choose the future king by holding a contest. He wanted to see who was worthy of being the future king.
5. What kind of child was Sanatombi?
Ans. Sanatombi was soft and beautiful from inside. She could feel the pain of others, like animals, trees, birds and people.
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Who will be Ningthou
6. Have you ever seen an animal or a bird in pain? What did you do?
Ans. Once a little parrot fell in the yard of my house. I saw someone had tied its legs with a string. It had escaped but could not sit or fly any more. I picked it up. I cut the string with a razor very carefully. Then I released it. It flew away immediately.
7. Where is Manipur on the map of India?
Ans. Manipur is in the north-eastern part of India on the border of Myanmar.