character sketch of the narrator in snake and the mirror[ beehive]
A doctor is a poor person that can hardly make some money.
He lives in a house with no electricity to light anything. Also, he was living with plenty of rats. Since it is the start of his medical career, there was not much so he can buy to improve his condition. However, he was obsessed with the side mirror.
The doctor is the main character of the story. He practises homeopath and is obsessed with his own looks. He is also proud of the fact that he is a doctor. He appears to be a man full of vanity as we see him looking into the mirror and admiring his own looks. But like any ordinary man, he is scared of snakes. When he sees the snake just four inches from his face he is too frightened to move. Eventually, he realises that he is just a mere human being and that there is nothing that makes him superior.