Character sketch of tiger king
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write the character sketch of the king of pratibandapuram. the maharaja of prati bandapuram Was a brave, resolute, determined, courageous and a firm ruler of his state. when he Was born, the astrologers had predicted his death with a tiger
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The maharaja of pratibandapuram is the hero of this story 'the tiger king'. He was famous as "the tiger king''. He was well identified as his highness jamedar - general , khiledar - major . He gets the name "tiger king'' because tigers dominate his mission and life . as soon as the tiger king'' was born , the chief astrologer predicted that his death would come from a tiger. He would grow up to become the hero of heroes , the champion of champions . but the child born under that star would one day have to meet his death. He must be particularly careful with the hundredth tiger. at the age of twenty , the maharaja started out on a hunt. He was able to kill ninety-one tigers. There remained just one more tiger to complete his tally. On the third birthday of his son , he bought a wooden tiger for him. while playing with his son , one of the slivers pierced his right hand and he died soon after .
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