Science, asked by hema5397, 1 year ago

characteristic of food web​


Answered by subhadra53


Four characteristics of food web are: 1) It consists of number of interconnected food chains through which energy travels in an ecosystem. 2)Usually members of higher trophic level feed upon many organism of lower trophic level. ... 4)More complex food webs improves the adaptability and competitiveness of the organism.

Answered by nelson1938


On the assumption that systems of interacting species, when perturbed from equilibrium, should return to equilibrium quickly, one can predict four properties of foods web; (1) food chains should be short, (2) species feeding on more then one trophic level (omnivores) should be rare, (3) those species that do feed on more than one trophic level should do so by feeding on species in adjacent trophic levels, and (4) host—parasitoid systems are likely to be exceptions to (1)—(3) when interaction coefficients permit greater trophic complexity. By generating random, model food webs (with many features identical to webs described from a variety of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial systems), it is possible to generate expected values for the number of trophic levels and the degree of omnivory within webs. When compared with these random webs, real world webs are shown to have fewer trophic levels, less omnivory, and very few omnivores feeding on nonadjacent trophic levels. Insect webs are shown to have a greater degree of omnivory than other webs. The confirmation of all these predictions from stability analyses suggests that system stability places necessary, though not sufficient, limitations on the possible shapes of food webs.

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