English, asked by huangyashi2, 10 months ago

Characteristic of romantic poetry found in solidary reaper


Answered by GulabLachman


Solitary Reaper


Solitary Reaper is a poem written my William Wordsworth .

The poem is immensely romantic in nature . Here the poet stops by a lonely girl who was cutting grains and was singing . Her voice was so peaceful and sounded so lonely that the poet chose to stop while passing .

The poet compares the voice of the girl with the sweet voice of the birds , ocean and sea . The poet further appreciates that the voice of the girl was so sweet even without any instruments that it tantalizes the listeners to listen with care and understanding .

The poet further tells 'stop here, or gently pass' . This means the poet suggest the passers to ' stop here' , where she is singing or 'gently pass' , that is without disturbing her soothing voice singing on the problems of the harsh problems of the society .

Answered by rmb


The Romantic school of poetry was popularised by poets like Coleridge, Shelley and Wordsworth. Wordsworth’s poem ‘Solitary Reaper’ also exhibits some features of Romantic poetry.


1. Settings: Romantic poetry is set in natural settings. The poets believed in connecting with nature and drawing inspiration from it. The poem ‘Solitary Reaper’ is also set in nature. It focuses on a girl who is working in the fields, singing as she harvests the crop. Even while describing the sweetness of the girl’s song, Wordsworth beautifully compares it to other aspects of nature like a nightingale in a desert and a cuckoo in the spring season.

2. Themes: Sadness or melancholy is a common theme in Romantic poetry. Here too, there are hints of sadness. To begin with, the girl is ‘solitary’, singing a ‘melancholy strain’. The speaker wonders if the girl’s song is about ‘unhappy’ things like ‘battles’ or ‘Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,’

3. Mention of remote places- Coleridge along with other Romantic poets often mentioned exotic locales in his work. Here, Wordsworth has referred to ‘Arabian sands’ and the ‘Hebrides’.  

4. Focus on emotions: The Romantics focused on emotions. Their work is full of feelings. They connect with the subject on a personal level and write about the effect of that experience. For instance, in ‘Solitary Reaper’, Wordsworth tells the reader how  

‘the Vale profound  

Is overflowing with the sound.’  

Towards the end of the poem the poet confesses ‘The music in my heart I bore’. The effect of the girl’s song was such that he remembered the melody for a long time thereafter.  

These elements make the poem ‘Solitary Reaper’ a Romantic poem.  

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