characteristic of syllogism
Syllogisms are today’s most commonly accepted form of logical reasoning in aptitude tests, however they are closer related to mathematical reasoning.
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Within the syllogisms three different types can be distinguished:
Conditional syllogisms
Conditional syllogisms are better known as hypothetical syllogisms, because the arguments used here are not always valid. The basic of this syllogism type is: if A is true then B is true as well. An example will follow to elucidate the former.
Major premise: If Johnny is eating sweets every day, he is placing
himself at risk for diabetes.
Minor premise: Johnny does not eat sweats everyday
Conclusion: Therefore Johnny is not placing himself at risk for
This conclusion is invalid because it is possible that Johnny does not eat sweats every day but does eats cake every day what also puts him at risk for diabetes.
Disjunctive syllogisms
These syllogism types do not actually state that a certain premise (major or minor) is correct, but is does states that one of the premises is correct. The basic type for this syllogism is: Either A or B is true, but they can’t be true at the same time. Example:
Major premise: Either the meeting is at school or at home.
Minor premise: The meeting is not at home.
Conclusion: Therefore the meeting is at school.
The conclusion of the syllogism type may be given, however most of the times the conclusion can be drawn based up on own conclusions.
Categorical syllogisms
The third and most commonly used type of syllogisms are the categorical syllogisms. The basic for this syllogism type is: if A is a part of C, then B is a part of C (A and B are members of C). An example of this syllogism type will clarify the above:
Major premise: All men are mortal.
Minor premise: Socrates is a man.
Conclusion: Socrates is mortal.
Both premises are known to be valid, by observation or historical facts. Because the two premises are valid, the conclusion must be valid as well. Be aware that this conclusion is based on logical reasoning and thus it doesn’t have to represent the “truth” always.
Next, these categorical syllogisms can be divided into 4 kinds of categorical propositions which will be explained separately:
A: Universal Affirmative
This is a syllogism of the form: All X are Y, like the example: all woman are shopaholic.
E: Universal Negative
This is the negative form of universal affirmative, which is a syllogism of the form: No X is Y, or as example: No humans are perfect. This syllogism type is exactly the opposite of proposition “A” explained above.
I: Particular Affimitive
Another syllogism type is the “particular form” which only influences some people and not the whole population. This syllogism is of the form: Some X are Y.
O: Particular Negative
The opposite of proposition “I” is proposition “O” which is of the form: Some X are not Y. an example of this would be: some cars are not green.
A syllogism is a form of deductive inference, in which the conclusion is drawn from two premises, taken jointly. It is a form of deductive inference and therefore in it, the conclusion cannot be more general than the premises.
A syllogism, therefore, presents the following characteristics, which distinguish it from other kinds of inference:
For example:
- All men are mortal.
- All kings are men.
- All kings are mortal.
(a) Firstly, the conclusion of syllogism follows from the two premises taken jointly, and not from any one of them, by itself. The conclusion is not merely the sum of the two premises but follows from them taken together, as a necessary consequence. In the example given above, the conclusion ‘All kings are mortal’ is drawn not from any of the two premises singly, but it follows from them conjointly.
(b) Secondly, the conclusion of a syllogism cannot be more general than the premises. The syllogism is a form of deductive inference, and in no form of deductive inference, can the conclusion be more general than the given premises.
In the example given above the conclusion “All kings- are mortal” is obviously less general than the premises “All men are mortal” — which is applicable to a much larger number of individuals.
(c) Thirdly, the conclusion is true, provided the given propositions are true.
In a syllogism, as in other forms of deductive inference we are not concerned with the question as to whether the premises, i.e., the given propositions are, as a matter of fact, true or false. In deductive forms of inference, the truth of the premises is taken for granted and hence, it is clear that the truth of the conclusion depends on the truth of the premises, which are presumed to be true.
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