English, asked by nupur47, 1 year ago

characteristics of family​


Answered by Keya200


Characteristics of Family:

(1) A Mating Relationship:

A mating relationship is an important pre-condition for the establishment of family. When sex relationship is established between male and female at that moment family is formed. This sex relationship of family is known as mating relationship. Without which no family can be formed. As sex needs is the most important need of human beings to fulfill this man and woman enter into mating relationship and family is formed. This mating relationship may be temporary or permanent.

But some forms of mating relationship must exist between man and woman. When this mating relationship comes to an end family breaks down.

(2) A form of Marriage:


A form of marriage is another important characteristic of family. Because the mating relationship is established through some form of marriage. This form of marriage may be simple or complex or may be monogamy, polygamy or group marriage or any other form. Every family follow a particular form of marriage.

(3) Some rules of mate selection:

Every family follows some rules or procedures through which it establishes the marital relationship by which family is formed. This procedure of mate selection may be performed by parents or may be done by the individuals concerned. This rules may be endogamous or exogamous.

(4) A system of Nomenclature:

Each and every family identifies itself by a name. It also has a system of name giving. The new member’s of the family take the name of the family in which he identify himself. Different family have different ways of reckoning descent. Mainly it may be through the male line or female line. In other words the descent may be known through father, mother or both. Accordingly the descent is known as patrilineal, Matrilineal or bilineal.

(5) An economic provision:

Each and every family must have an economic provision to satisfy different economic needs of its members. Usually it is the duty of the head of the family to carry on certain profession to earn money and thereby fulfill the economic need of its members.

(6) A common habitation:


Each and every family need a common household to live in. Because without it family can’t fulfill its task of child rearing. Different rules are there for the establishment of residence. After marriage wife may live in her husband’s parental home or may reside in her own parental home which is called patrilocal and matrilocal residence respectively or both of them may establish a separate home which is known as neolocal residence.

Answered by spacelover123


Characteristics of Family:

1. Family is a Universal group. It is found in some form or the other, in all types of societies whether primitive or modern.

2. A family is based on marriage, which results in a mating relationship between two adults of opposite sex.

3. Every family provides an individual with a name, and hence, it is a source of nomenclature.

4. Family is the group through which descent or ancestry can be traced.

5. Family is the most important group in any individual’s life.

6. Family is the most basic and important group in primary socialization of an individual.

7. A family is generally limited in size, even large, joint and extended families.

8. The family is the most important group in society; it is the nucleus of all institu­tions, organizations and groups.

9. Family is based on emotions and sentiments. Mating, procreation, maternal and fraternal devotion, love and affection are the basis of family ties.

10. The family is a unit of emotional and economic cooperation.

11. Each member of family shares duties and responsibilities.

12. Every family is made up of husband and wife, and/or one or more children, both natural and adopted.

13. Each family is made up of different social roles, like those of husband, wife, mother, father, children, brothers or sisters.

Hope it helps.Pls mark as brainliest answer.

Aditya4147: hiii
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