Characteristics of management
The characteristics of management are:
The characteristics of management are:Goal-oriented.
The characteristics of management are:Goal-oriented.Pervasive.
The characteristics of management are:Goal-oriented.Pervasive.Multi-dimensional.
The characteristics of management are:Goal-oriented.Pervasive.Multi-dimensional.Continuous process.
The characteristics of management are:Goal-oriented.Pervasive.Multi-dimensional.Continuous process.Group activity.
The characteristics of management are:Goal-oriented.Pervasive.Multi-dimensional.Continuous process.Group activity.Dynamic function.
The characteristics of management are:Goal-oriented.Pervasive.Multi-dimensional.Continuous process.Group activity.Dynamic function.Intangible force.
Characteristics of Management:
(1) Management is Goal-oriented Process:
No goal in the hand no need of management. In other words, we need management when we have some goals to be achieved. A manager on the basis of his knowledge and experience tries to achieve the goals which are already decided. Hence, nothing is wrong to say that management is a goal-oriented process.
(2) Management is All-pervasive:
Anything minus management is nothing or zero. Here by anything we mean all types of activities-business and non-business. If we deduct management out of these activities, the result will be failure or zero. It means management is necessary to conduct any type of activities. Hence, it is pervasive or universal.
(3) Management is Multidimensional:
The management is a three-dimensional activity:
(i) Management of Work:
Every organisation is established for doing some work, like a school provides education, a hospital treats patients, a factory produces, etc. Of these, no work can be completed satisfactorily without management,
(ii) Management of People:
Each organisation is established for doing some work and the same is conducted by people. Hence, it is necessary to manage the people so that the work can be accomplished in a better way.
(iii) Management of Operations:
To achieve the goals of an organisation many operations or activities need to be conducted, such as, production, sale, purchase, finance, accounting, R&D, etc. Again, management is needed to make sure that operations are accomplished efficiently and effectively.
(4) Management is a Continuous Process:
The various managerial activities cannot be performed once for all, but it is a continuous process. A manager is busy sometimes in doing one managerial activity and at other times some other activity.
(5) Management is a Group Activity:
It means that (|T-2 it is not a single person who consummates all the activities of an organisation but it is always a group of persons (managers). Hence, management is a group effort.
(6) Management is a Dynamic Function:
Management is a dynamic activity as it has to adjust itself to the regularly changing environment. In this context, it can be rightly said that nothing is eternal in management.
It is necessary here to clearly understand that the recognition of management in the form of group is only in reference to big organisations, because in these kinds of organisations many managers are appointed at various managerial levels.
On the other hand, in small organisations only one manager is sufficient as he can himself manage all the affairs of the organisation. For these kinds of organisations it would not be right to call management a group activity.
(7) Management is an Intangible Force:
Management is that power which cannot be seen. It can only be felt. If any organisation is heading toward higher levels of achievement, it signifies the existence of good management and vice versa. In other words, achievement reflects the quality of management and its effectiveness.