Biology, asked by rathersamiullah8491, 11 months ago

Characteristics of meristematic cells in plants


Answered by Rimjhim71


Think for a moment about a new, unprogrammed computer. It's a blank slate--it can potentially run any program. But once you install an operating system, all that changes. Now, the computer can only execute programs compatible with that system. Meristematic tissue is like an unprogrammed computer--it is made of cells that haven't been assigned a role within the plant, or undifferentiated cells. These cells could do or be anything, just like that blank computer. Once a cell's role is assigned though (just like when the computer is programmed), its function becomes limited.

Properties of Meristematic Cells

Cells within meristematic tissues have special characteristics that make them unique when compared to cells in mature, specialized plant tissue. Cells within meristematic tissue are self-renewing, meaning that every time they divide, one new cell remains meristematic, while the second heads off to become a programmed or specialized mature cell.

Additionally, all cells within meristematic tissue are living, while other plant tissue can be made of both living and dead cells. Meristematic cells have thin cell walls, small or no vacuoles, which are stored organelles, and large prominent nucleus. This compares to the thick walls and small nucleus of programmed cells, which also have one or more large vacuoles. Also, meristematic cells contain a significant volume of dense liquid, while specialized cells have only a small quantity of think liquid.

Answered by ujjwalusri

§. Meristem composed of rapidly dividing cells

§. Usually situated at the growing apex of plant parts (root apex or shoot apex)

§. Meristematic cells are undifferentiated

§. Size and shapes of meristematic cells varies

§. Cells more or less isodiametric in shape, sometimes circular

§. Intercellular space generally absent in meristematic tissue

§. Cell wall composed of primary cell wall only

§. Cell wall contains primary pit fields

§. Meristematic cells do not undergo secondary thickening

§. Cells contain dense granular cytoplasm

§. Vacuole usually absent, if present very small.

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