characteristics of tidal energy I want in points 5 to 8 points
1. tidal energy is generated by water
1.Tidal power or tidal energy is a form of hydropower that converts the energy obtained from tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity.
2. Although not yet widely used, tidal energy has potential for future electricity generation.
3. Tidal power is the only technology that draws on energy inherent in the orbital characteristics of the Earth–Moon system, and to a lesser extent in the Earth–Sun system.
4. Greater tidal variation and higher tidal current velocities can dramatically increase the potential of a site for tidal electricity generation.
5. advantage- it is also a cheap energy source. After the initial investment is paid off, the cost of generating electricity is very low. Tidal energy has a high energy density, meaning that the tides store a larger amount of energy than most other forms of renewable energy, such as the wind.
6. The Disadvantages of Tidal Power. Tidal power is growing rapidly in interest as countries look for ways to generate electricity without relying on fossil fuels. Tidal schemes have a number of advantages, including their lack of greenhouse gas emissions and 100% renewable nature.
7. Tidal power is also relatively prosperous at low speeds, in contrast to wind power. Water has one thousand times higher density than air and tidal turbines can generate electricity at speeds as low as 1m/s, or 2.2mph.
8. There are also three main ways that tidal energy is harnessed: Tidal Barrages - A tidal barrage works like a dam. When the tide goes high, the reservoir fills up. When the tide moves in or out, the turbines spin and generate electricity.
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