charcterstics of Halyonema
Phylum - Porifera
Class - Hexactinellida
Order - Amphidiscophora
Genus - Hyalonema
Common Name
Labelled diagram of HYALONEMA.jpg
Glass rope sponge
It is found along new England coast.
Hyalonema is a marine form found 10-15 meters deep in sea.
Identifying Characters
It has a rounded or oval body with a spirally twisted root tuft.
Spicules of root tuft continue through the sponge body as an axis or collumella and projects above as a gastral cone.
Root spicules are compact, stalk-like and twisted giving the appearance of a rope.
Middle part of collumella has symbiotic polyps.
General Characters
Skeleton consists of small amphidisc sspicules which are siliceous in nature.
Extending from all over the surface are small, branching, five-rayed spicules.
Mark me as brainliest if it is helpful
Hyalonema is a genus of sponges in the family Hyalonematidae. They are a synchronous hermaphrodite. They are sessile animals.
phylum = porifera
class = Hexactinellida
Order = Amphidiscophora
Genus = Hyalonema
hope it is helpful