Physics, asked by sv068204, 1 year ago

Charge cannot exist in vacuum then how in arora efect charges come from sun to earth?


Answered by shariquekhan2500
First of all you are not correct with the name !.
Its Aurora Borealis ..
It is created due to strong magnetic poles around the north and south poles of the earth magnetic field.. It is bright little to what similar to rainbow but more realistic and parallelizing .. The sun's rays which travels way long that is
Distance = 3*10^8 × 480 = 1440*10^8 meters.. The light gets I mean the filed which is induced by the earth's poles split the rays into ions, high power electron which in turn gives and emit light.. Can be if red,blue,green depending upon their energy level in which orbit and according to quantum Numbers .. Also to what type of wavelengths are they emitting this in turn comes under our visible range thus making us to enjoy AURORAS. What called as northern and southern lights...The lights of the Aurora generally extend from 80(approx)kilometres to as high as 640 kilometres above the earth's surface..
It is the charge which is created in the atmosphere not in the vaccum or else we would have seen Auroras in vaccum
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