Science, asked by kusumv2415, 5 months ago

Charles Darwin, a biologist, studied numerous types
ants and animals and suggested that only those
Following are some exte
Kingdom Plantae and A
binomial method of nomer
n's theory of evolution
Living Things
ore likely to survive which can best adapt
elves to a changing environment. This is called the
of survival of the fittest. This is Darwin's first
an organism is bom with a new beneficial characteristic
ve this change is preserved in the next
die called
by How can the plants like Cactusv
and Acacia live in deserts with
na scarce water?​


Answered by akilaram81



what you have said is true

and plants like cactus have spines which are modified leaves which doesn't allow water to move out of the plant . The spines also protect the plant from animals who might come to drink water from the plant. The stem is green to perform photosynthesis and fleshy to store large amounts of water. It has long roots which go deep inside the soil to absorb water

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