Biology, asked by hernandezjennufher15, 1 year ago

Charles Darwin hypothesized that some individuals would be better equipped for survival than others, and that those that were less equipped would not survive. Darwin formulated this hypothesis based on the work of which scholar?
a.John Gould, who compared mainland and island finches
b.Thomas Malthus, who studied population growth
c.Sir Isaac Newton, who formulated the laws of motion
d.Gregor Mendel, who determined genetic inheritance of traits


Answered by hahern44

The answer is A, John Gould’s work on finches. Darwin proved that finches living in different areas and eating different food developed beaks specialised for that food eg: nuts, berries, seeds and insects.

Brainliest answer?

Answered by VestaHofman

Answer: b. Thomas Malthus, who studied population growth.

Charles Darwin hypothesized that some individuals would be better equipped  for survival than others, and that those that were less equipped would not survive this was the theory of natural selection. Darwin was influenced by scholar Thomas Robert Malthus who wrote "Essay on the Principle of Population" (1798), according to this population growth would always overpower food supply growth which will create situations of hunger, disease and struggle. Darwin extended Malthus principle to evolution. He proposed that less adapting species will die because being less competing for desired resource than more competing species. Nature will select the fittest species for survival. Hence, explained that adaptation is necessary for evolution.

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