chart on nutrition in plant
the sum total of process by which living organism obtain food and metabolism it to get the material that build up tissues and to provide energy is called nutrition .
there are four basic foods namely carbohydrates protein fat and Minerals the basic food are the same for both plants and animals in alive process called photosynthesis in green plants synthesise major part of their food for from simple inorganic substances carbon dioxide and water in the presence of Sunlight such a type of nutrient is called hollow fighting type of nutrient green plants produce food not only for themselves but also for non green plant and animals including human the mode of nutrition found in most animals including human is called holozoic type .
nutrition in plant are two autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition.
autotrophic nutrition green plants have evolved a mechanism to directly use the energy of sunlight for preparing organic food in their own body from simple inorganic materials they take carbon dioxide and water from the environment and transform these into glucose and oxygen with the help of Sun Synergy trapped by Green pigment chlorophyll chlorophyll is processed by thylakoids of the chloroplast of plant cell such self note nourishing organism which do not take organic molecules produced by other organisms are called autotrophic organisms
autotrophs using photosynthesis process for the preparation of their own food are called photoautotrophs and they prepared other organic compound from the glucose which is the end product of photosynthesis oxygen is produced during photosynthesis as a byproduct and and is released to the environment the process of photosynthesis is briefly represented by the following equation
6co²+6h²o =chlorophyll/sunlight c⁶h12o⁶+6o²
heterotrophic nutrition some plants do not possesses chlorophyll and they are non green plants they cannot synthesise their food they are called heterotrophic plant heterotrophic plant and organisms depend on the food produced by some other living organism such as green plant for example ka cuscuta , many bacteria and fungi depend for their nutrition on the bodies of other plants and animals heterotrophic plant are the following
parasitic plants
parasitism is a kind of harmful or negative interaction between to a species it is the relation between two kind of individuals word in one individuals called parasite receive benefit food shelter protection 80c at the expense of other individual called host
saprophytes absorb nutrition from dead and decaying bodies a plant and animal such plant are common during and after that in they do not have green colour and received from decomposed body of organisms mushroom and other fungi such as yest and bacteria from the example of saprophytes
carnivorous plants are insectivorous plants
insectivorous plant are autotrophic green plant but they do not get their nitrogen requirement from the soil these plants grow in waterlogged swampy soil which are deficient in nitrogen containing compounds this plant supplement the supply of Nitrogen containing compounds by capturing are digesting insect these green plants obtain their nourishment 84 from soil and atmosphere
Refer the attachment.